教育类专业是近几年澳洲留学的热门专业,受人尊敬、成就感满满、工作&待遇稳定、更长时间的带薪假期,这些利好因素让很多学生和家长将目光投向教育专业。澳洲大学开设丰富的教育类专业,如:教育学、中学教育、小学教育、幼儿教育、特殊教育、英语教学、体育教育、教育心理学等。其中,Early Childhood Teaching幼儿教学和Secondary Teaching中学教学2个教学方向尤其受欢迎,常年位居澳洲紧缺职业名单中,不仅适合回国发展,也适合那些期待毕业后留澳工作和移民的学生。
D30018 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood and Primary Education
D30013 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education
D30014 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education
D30016 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education
D30015 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Inclusive and Special Education
D30017 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education
D30021 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Arts
D30071 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Business
D30061 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Fine Art
D30041 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Music
D30051 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Science
D30022 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts
D30072 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Business
D30062 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Fine Art
D30042 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Music
D30052 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Science
(申请D60011 Master of Teaching in Early Childhood幼教硕士无需参加!)
D60012 Master of Teaching in Early Childhood and Primary Education
D60013 Master of Teaching in Primary Education
D60014/5 Master of Teaching in Primary and Secondary Education
D60016/7/8 Master of Teaching in Secondary Education
Casper是早前一直被蒙纳士大学所认可的品行测试。今年,蒙纳士大学推出了MTeST(Monash Teaching Suitability Test)这一新的测试,offer学生一个新的选择。学生可以在Casper和MTeST中选择参加任意一种测试,也可以两种测试均参加,蒙纳士大学会取其中的最好成绩,作为审核依据。但需要注意,由于MTeST为蒙纳士大学自有测试,目前无法用于申请其他澳洲大学。
Casper |
费用 |
免费 |
80澳币 |
考试方式 |
在线测试 |
在线测试 |
考试时间 |
15分钟 |
90-110分钟 |
考试内容 |
7个开放性书面简答, 每个问题限时2分钟, 拼写及语法不影响结果 |
由14个场景组成, 开放性书面简答&口语测试, 拼写/语法/发音不影响结果 |
准备和模拟 |
不需要 |
有样题和练习,建议提前准备 |
适用于 |
仅适用于申请蒙纳士大学 |
可适用于其他大学(如迪肯大学、RMIT等) |
每次报考周期内 允许的测试次数 |
3次 |
1次 |
准备材料递交申请 → 拿到申请ID参加MTeST测试 → 等待学校审理结果,获得offer (至少3周出MTeST结果)→ (如之前未提供语言成绩)补交语言成绩 → 换取无条件录取通知书 → 接受录取,缴纳学费 → 获得COE确认录取通知书 → 申请500学生签证 → 准签后进行行前安排 → 抵达澳洲,报到入学